Saturday, April 24, 2021

Multiple Choice

This one was included in the fantastic ACPT Virtual Table organized by Rachel Fabi and Nate Cardin a few weeks ago, but I'm finally putting up an actual post for it!

I want to go to there

At Lollapuzzoolla back in 20...17(!?), I overheard Sam Ezersky talking about a 15-letter entry he wanted to debut in a puzzle.  He meant it for a themeless grid, but I immediately assumed it was going to be a flashy theme revealer and started brainstorming possible themers with and/or at him.  I didn't end up shamelessly stealing his 15, but Sam was super nice about talking through the theme a bit along the way.

Back then I hadn't actually made any puzzles yet, and this was a pretty tough theme to tackle as a newbie, so it ended up getting backburnered while I figured out the basics.  Finally circled back around to it for real last year, and got a few rounds of really helpful feedback on various drafts from some friends and editors.  I'm really happy to have followed through and really proud of the final version---it is definitely my trickiest puzzle so far.

If you give it a solve, let me know over on Twitter to help relieve my crippling insecurities.  Hope it's a fun one!



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